
Search results

  1. Two ACEL graduate students serve on University Council of Graduate Students

    ACEL graduate students Diane Mashburn and and Priyadarsini Das both serve on the Unviersity's ... Council of Graduate Students (CGS). CGS is the official branch of student government that represents every ... graduate student at the Columbus and satellite campuses. Das serves as the ACEL delegate, while Mashburn is ...

  2. Schuerman receives award at CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    Congratulations to undergraduate student Sheriden Schuerman for her award at the CFAES ... undergraduate students to share their research with members and friends of the OSU community; recognizes the ... significant contributions to research by OSU undergraduates; and facilitates exchange between students ...

  3. Ohio Birds

    Invited Summer Guests: Hummingbird Feeders PDF for PRINTING Have you ever wanted to see ... sideways? If hummingbirds live in your area, you can. In summer, seed-eating birds may not be as plentiful ... Alumnus and STEM Student Assistant, The Ohio State University Reviewed by: Wayne Schlingman, PhD, Director ...

  4. Doctoral Dissertations

    educators and international students of extension education: a national study Jill A. Pfister advised by L. ... Beliefs of Student Agency and Motivation Tim Ray advised by Tracy Kitchel and Susie Wittington How Oregon ... Professional skills attainment of their students Erica Summerfield advised by Annie Specht and Dee Jepsen The ...

  5. Ohio 4-H adventures into totality

    intern. “The 4-H’ers were really interested in how they prepared and cooked their food while in space.” As ... middle of the day!” Jackson County With students being released early from school to view the eclipse, ...

  6. Undergraduate students participate in CFAES Olympics; ACT takes third

    mental competitions that require teamwork and stategic thinking. Students competed in Eucher, building ... go against each other. It was great to see so many of our ACEL students participating for ACT, AES or ... another student organization. At the end of the night, the ACT team took home the bronze medal. Thank you ...

  7. Volk receives first place award at CFAES Graduate Research Forum

    Nicole Volk, a master's studenting studying agricultural communication, education, and ...

  8. Summerfield awarded graduate associate teaching award by OSU graduate school

    of the GATA are nominated by faculty, staff and students through an anonymous nomination process. ... selection committee to evaluate the nominee’s ability to facilitate student learning and to reflect, ...

  9. Ohio teens grow as global citizens in Greece

    students from the American Farm School in internship experiences. They rotated between units focused on ...

  10. Specializations and Graduate Advisors

    Keith Smith- Advises M.S. and Ph.D. Jerry Thomas- Advises M.S.   International Development The study of ... development theories and practices in international settings aimed at addressing complex food, agricultural, ...
