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  1. Ohio Treasurer Announces February COMPASS Awards

    that today’s students have the knowledge and skill sets necessary to meet the challenges of tomorrow. ...

  2. EECO Winter CONFERENCE January 29-30, 2021

    encourage sessions to include ways of getting students reconnected to nature, interested in Environmental ...

  3. Discovery Themes Hire for OSUE

    Ingrid Richards Adams is the first Discovery Themes hire for Ohio State University Extension, ... allow for an 8 to 10 percent net increase in the tenured/tenure-track faculty. CFAES expects to hire 28 ... nine units having one or more of the new Discovery Themes faculty. Of those new hires, 53 percent are ...

  4. The Wilds Conservation Science Symposium

    Associate The Wilds, 14000 International Road, Cumberland, OH 43732 Office: 740-638-5030 ext. 2085, Fax: ...

  5. DIY Trailblazer Adventure

    end of summer activity  that gets you outside and points out places of interest along the hiking, ...

  6. Blight to Bright: Reimagining Vacant Land

    Urban Conservation! Dr. Mary Gardiner, Gardiner Lab, Department of Entomology, The Ohio State ...

  7. Bluebird Monitoring

    this summer, please let Sarah Hunter ( know by February 23rd. Nest box monitors ...

  8. Annual Conference of the Ohio Bluebird Society

    Cornell Lab of Ornithology Nestwatch, Project Leader Douglas McClain- ODNR Waterfowl Biologist Kris Davis- ...

  9. Coronavirus disease advice for the public: Mythbusters

    employees and students must follow the guidelines established by The Ohio State University and its units, ...

  10. Living Landscape Speaker Series

    forestry. As a master's student, she studied the response of bat populations in southern Ohio to ...
