
Search results

  1. $5 Million Bioenergy, Bioproducts Project Offers Opportunities for Ohio Teachers

    summer with OBIC, based on Ohio State's Columbus campus. The intern will receive a $6,000 stipend ... with training and toolkits to prepare students for careers in this growing field. "The idea is to ... get students excited about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education, and to give ...

  2. Graduate Student Back to School Bash

    will also be a number of faculty and staff who work closely with graduate students, so you can become ... prizes! Event is open to any CFAES affiliated graduate students. As of this time, attendees are encouraged to ...

  3. Local Students Become Scientists Thanks to OARDC Internship Program

    students finished their one-of-a-kind experience today (8/13) after participating in this year’s ... OARDC’s nationally and internationally recognized faculty, engaging in projects dealing with fields as ... learn how some of them might even see their summer research projects published in a prestigious ...

  4. How Did You Spend Your Summer? Two Buckeyes Learned from NASA Scientists

    Cornell University in May. NSBRI's summer internship program gives selected students an opportunity ... highly competitive program. "The summer internship program allows talented students such as Setsuko ... entering a master's program this fall-- joined forces with NASA scientists this summer through ...

  5. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Bumbles Bounce, Will Santa Float? (for the Week of Dec. 23, 2007)

    I did. The news, as I've read it, is this: Scientists say that the polar ice cap, the frozen Arctic ... readership. Ha!"— U.B.) The Arctic ice cap normally grows in winter and shrinks in summer. But starting ... in the 1950s, the smallest size the cap gets in summer has gotten even smaller. (The minimum has ...

  6. Professional Development Opportunities

    Project Narrative - recording Finance Budgeting & Financial Goal Setting  Student Loans & Debt ... Student Wellness- Slides Graduate Student Health Insurance Overview - Slides Tax Info Session w/ H&R ...

  7. Improving the flavor of fermented foods: Biotransformation of hydroxycinnamic acids into volatile aroma compounds by lactic acid bacteria from dairy products

    was to screen the ability of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from dairy products to produce ... 4-vinylphenols. The decarboxylating activity of LAB strains from the OSU–Parker Endowed Chair collection with ... help improve LAB strain selection for the design of fermentation starters for food applications, ...

  8. Utilization of acid whey as a fermentation aid to developing an enriched feed ingredient

    lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and a mixture of Aw, Fw, and molasses (Mol). Two fermentation systems were ... respectively; SDS-PAGE, pH, and microbial count of LAB were monitored simultaneously. The results showed ... from 5.96 to 7.07. The LAB count fluctuated within each fermentation system and over time. In ...

  9. Rumen Expert, Microbe Namesake, Notches 2008 OARDC Senior Faculty Research Award

    international expert on rumen microbiology who has two protozoan species named in his honor, has added to his ... of the rumen for students and researchers in the United States and abroad,” his nominators ... degree students and 10 doctoral students; has attracted numerous postdoctoral and visiting scientists to ...

  10. How to Achieve Balance in Graduate School: A Student Panel

    This panel discussion will highlight tips from current graduate students for maintaining a healthy ... “work-life” balance. Students will share stories of how they have learned to balance their role as a graduate ... student with their personal life and identity. Topics will be touched on such as maintaining health and ...
