
Search results

  1. Estimating Corn Grain Yield Calculate estimated grain yield as follows: Step 1. Count the number of harvestable ears in ...

  2. Agunga earns undergraduate research mentor award

    lecturers, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students who also contribute extraordinary guidance to the ... undergraduate students who work with them. To win this award, mentors must be nominated by undergraduates ... mentorship. A student committee reviews the nominations and selects winners each year.  ...

  3. Dicamba Technology 2018 Training Requirement

    trainings in our area that I know of at this point. Following a summer with many instances of off-target ...

  4. ACEL Students Participate in Transition Day

    The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership hosted twelve students ... opportunity for students studying at regional campuses and ATI to visit the Columbus campus before their ... transition. Students were able to tour the CFAES campus, central campus, enjoy lunch at the Ohio Union, visit ...

  5. Super Berry School

    Blueberry Cultivars and Production Techniques. Summer and Fall Vineyard Management Practices. Blackberry and ...

  6. Fair Demos and Canning Tomatoes

    office this summer.  At 11:30 we have staff from OSU main campus coming to share Mix it up and Shop Smart ...

  7. Summer 4-H Projects And Activities Engage Youth In Experiential Learning

    addition to projects, there are numerous 4-H activities throughout the summer that also engage youth in ...

  8. Make Plans for Fall Weed Control

    summer into fall, which can overwinter. A few options to consider follow. This is not an all-inclusive ...

  9. Adding Value to Feeder Calves

    castration, dehorning, control of internal and external pests, etc. d. Programs – Evaluate opportunities to ...

  10. What is Ohio State University Extension??

    after-school activities, and summer programs. 4-H increases life skills while learning about specific subjects- ...
