
Search results

  1. Resources for International Students and Postdocs

    On this page you will be able to find resources and information for international students and ... we encourage you to contact the OSU Office of International Affairs (OIA). Their international ...

  2. Opening Celebration of United Black World Month Featuring LaTosha Brown

    The Student Life Multicultural Center, along with the United Black World Month Planning Committee, ... activist, and philanthropist. Her expertise has brought her to be featured on several news sites such as ... CNN, HBO, MSNBC and Fox. Find more information about LaTosha Brown online. Sponsored by the Student ...

  3. Racial Healing Through Agricultural History- Panel Discussion

    Walker, JD, international food justice and agriculture advocate and founder of Bronzeville Growers Market ...

  4. Welcome- Dr. Leo Taylor

    development to faculty, staff, and students on the Columbus and Wooster Campuses. He started mid-September and ... has already connected to graduate students. He is collaborating with two OSU graduate students to form ... a peer-led support group for CFAES graduate students struggling with mental health issues. This group will ...

  5. Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices

    This 90-minute program provides an overview of best practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool. Participants will examine the role that various forms of bias can play in screening applicants and identify ways that privilege creates an unlevel compe ...

  6. Who am I?

    reflect on their experiences with various identities. This presentation is great for students, staff, and ... State University Student Life Multicultural Center. This event will be presented with automated closed ...

  7. Resources for Job Seekers

    Resources for LGBTQ+ Job Seekers Tips for Your Queer Career LGBTQA students have much to offer to potential ...

  8. Who Am I?

    reflect on their experiences with various identities. This presentation is great for students, staff, and ... State University Student Life Multicultural Center. This event will be presented with automated closed ...

  9. Seminar Schedule for Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Search

    CFAES faculty, staff and students. During the seminars, you are welcome to ask the candidates questions, ...

  10. 2021 CFAES Day of Racial Healing

    students to share their ideas for racial healing on social media using the  #HowWeHeal  and  ...
