
Search results

  1. DLS Helps to DIY

    Parents, it is already July and that means summer is here in full force!  July makes us think of ... being outside, beach balls, and fun-in-the-sun.  How can we make common summer activities become family ... yourself and why?  What is your favorite thing about summer and why?  When you woke up this morning what ...

  2. Summer Meals Partnership Community Kick-Off

    all summer, learn more about Summer Meals Partners and where to find them by joining us June 5th for ... our Summer Meals Kick-off Event! Attend the Summer Meal Partner's Summer Meal Kickoff Event June ...

  3. Alumni Faculty & Students

    school students and teachers, in addition to hosting tours and summer seminars for visiting teachers and ... the role of Assistant Director for Academic Planning & Student Success for the College of Science ... students at Iowa State University, University of Nebraska, Kansas State University and the University of ...

  4. Edibles in the Landscape

    Earlier this month Sarah Turner-Smith, a Bowling Green State University Dietetic Intern partnered ... is The “Cherry” You Might Not Know Summer is the season when ... a regular provider of fruit each summer.  This is an example of a plant to incorporate for edible ...

  5. Student Delegate Spotlight: Chelsea Tyus

    development." Chelsea Tyus is a Ph.D. student at Louisiana State University. Learn about what Chelsea hopes to ... enjoy doing in your free time? When I’m not in the lab or researching. I enjoy traveling (Costa Rica, ... Student Delegate Spotlight ...

  6. Summer Meal Program-Kick Off Event

    and all around fun for everyone as we kick off the 2019 Summer Meal Program! Space is limited- RSVP ...

  7. DLS Helps to DIY

    June, 2019- Father's Day Keepsake Activity July, 2019- Summer Fun Activities for the Family August ...

  8. DLS Helps to DIY

    Parents, June means summer is officially here!  With that comes summer break for our kids and we ... their summer boredom by coming up with ideas to do together that dad would love.  Men often enjoy ...

  9. Farm to School

    the cafeteria, as a snack, or as classroom taste-test. Classroom: Students participate in standards-based ... students, and parents on the benefits of local food support. Local Resources Local Foods, Lucas County- Farm ... Preschool: Local Food and Learning in Early Childcare and Education Settings Farm to Summer: Why Summer Meal ...

  10. BLENDR B1KE 48

    . BLENDR B1KE 48, Lucas County The cooking club team and past summer youth program sites have taste ...
