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  1. Soil Evaluation for Home Septic Systems

    map soils. Property owners need to hire a soil scientist to collect the soil depth, permeability, and ... Technology Learning Lab at or purchase Bulletin 905 “Soil and Site Evaluation for Onsite ...

  2. Sweetclover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    or summer annual Minimum germination temperature: 42 degrees Fahrenheit Reliable establishment window ...

  3. Sorghum-Sudangrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    more secondary roots than a corn plant Brown midrib available on some hybrids Cultural Traits Summer ...

  4. Salmonella in Fresh Produce

    Salmonella persistence [3]. The internalization of Salmonella in plant tissues can occur in leaves, roots, ... is internalized in the leaves, it will persists in the apoplast for several weeks until it reaches ... a low-cost method requiring minimal lab facilities. In healthcare applications, the tests allow for ...

  5. How to Identify and Enhance Ohio’s Wild Bees in Your Landscape

    present all summer. Nesting: Some species form large nesting aggregations, where large populations can ... and/or the developing offspring later in the summer and fall. Image 4: Bees in the genus Andrena can be ... Inventory Lab.   Polyester bees  (Colletes spp.) Size and Color: Normally slightly larger than both mining ...

  6. Your Old Barn: Hiring a Contractor

    you have hired the right people to do the work. While choosing the right contractor may not be as ... Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana's publication, Hiring a Contractor. Step 1: Seek Free ... might ask the owner include: Were you satisfied with the work? Would you hire the contractor again? Was ...

  7. First Grade: Fun Summer Time Activities and Games

    extra time and energy for play and activities. Be ready to prevent summer boredom by keeping hands and ... minds busy. Here are some suggestions for summer fun.  Plant a Summer Flower or Vegetable Garden —This ... nearest YMCA or community recreation center for more summer activities and programs for children. Your ...

  8. Herbicide Injury and the Problem of Spray Drift

    a Problem for the Grape Industry? At the time of this writing in summer of 2022, herbicide drift might have ... inversions—common in the spring and summer—have an amplifying effect on drift. Inversions typically form in the late ... are exposed to glyphosate prior to dormancy in late summer or early fall, symptoms may not be ...

  9. Viburnum Leaf Beetle

    mid-spring to early summer and adults feed on the foliage from mid-summer into the fall. Highly susceptible ... shoots, as well) during late summer. Once the pits are filled with eggs, the pits and eggs are covered ... late spring to early summer. Once larval feeding is complete, larvae abandon the host plant, transverse ...

  10. Nutrient Management of Forage Crops Intended for Hay

    standardized collection criteria. A reputable soil test lab is used for analysis. Multiple strategies exist to ... it to the lab. Before sampling, determine sample collection details such as sample depth (6 or ... thoroughly mix the sample before bagging a subsample to send to the lab. Soil nutrient levels fluctuate ...
