
Search results

  1. Summer Garden Walk

    Come join us for a garden walk to discuss soil health, common problems with weeds, pests and diseases, varietal selection, and how to get the most from your garden this season. This event is free and open to the public.  ...

  2. Extension Connections

    who completed the program last year and used the lessons with her students said that it was “the most ... workshop implemented the curriculum with their students in the past year. Nearly 100 4-H youth learned how ...

  3. Summer Garden Walk

    Come join us for a garden walk to discuss soil health, common problems with weeds, pests and disease, varietal selection, crop rotation and how to get the most from your garden this season. This event is free and open to the public. ...

  4. Fall Semester Welcome Back Lunch

    FST faculty, staff and students are invited to come to the welcome back lunch which will be held ...

  5. Avian Influenza

    internationally.  Further, consumers cannot catch avian influenza by eating eggs, chicken or turkey.  Poultry ...

  6. FST Major Quynh Duong's Student Blog

    FST student Quynh Duong blogs about her experience in product development competitions. To read ...

  7. FST's Dr. Jim Harper Retires

    a reception in his honor that included both former and current faculty, staff and students. ...

  8. Welcome Back Lunch

    This lunch is to welcome back all new and returning FST students to the department for the start ... Building. No reservations are necessary and the lunch is open to all faculty, staff, and students of the ...

  9. August Newsletter

    hope you are enjoying these beautiful days of summer, perhaps taking some time to rest and recharge and ...

  10. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the Midwest for the Second Year in a Row

    South Korea. This virus circulated in South East Asia for most of 2014, and by late summer to early ... keep the domestic poultry population free from this devastating disease to avoid the international ...
