
Search results

  1. Visitors Welcome to CFAES Alumni Board Meetings

    Did you know that the CFAES Alumni Society Board welcomes guests to their board meetings? Want to come speak at a meeting?  ...

  2. Resolution for the New Year

    Kelsey Turner, a 2016 Agribusiness and Applied Economics alum, told us about one of her goals for 2018. This year rather than creating resolutions, I created five goals for myself. One of them is to read one book each month. I didn’t have a specific genre ...

  3. Call for Northeast Ohio Alumni to serve on the Alumni Society Board

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Alumni Society Board has an opening for a Northeast Ohio representative. ...

  4. We Want to Hear from You!

    Share with us your new year's resolution. What can make you stick to something more than sharing it with the entire CFAES community?! ...

  5. News


  6. Scholarship Memories

    Amanda Teague received her BS in agricultural education in 2002.  She shared what a scholarship meant to her OSU experience. ...

  7. We Want to Hear from You!

    Did a staff or faculty member make a big difference in your life? ...

  8. CFAES Alumni Society Board Welcomes 3 New Members

    The CFAES Alumni Society Board of Directors recently held elections for three open board representative positions. ...

  9. We Want to Hear from You!

    Did a scholarship make a difference in your life? ...

  10. Buckeyes are Everywhere

    Jon Gerken, a 1970 Agronomy major, shared the most interesting place he’s run into fellow Buckeyes. ...
