
Search results

  1. ACEL Students Serve Ohio FFA

    We are proud of ACEL students who serve the Ohio FFA Organization as State Officers. These ... students represent Ohio by providing leadership and guidance to the organization. State FFA office is ... tasks necessary to execute the various programs of work in the state association. ACEL students who were ...

  2. Fannin Recognized as CFAES Outstanding Undergraduate Student Employee

    Congratulations to ACEL student Elizabeth Fannin, an agricultural communication major from ... Jackson, Ohio, for receiving the CFAES Outstanding Undergraduate Student Employee Award!  The award is ... designed to honor undergraduate students who have contributed to the mission of the College, OARDC, or OSU ...

  3. Honors and Research

    Program for students earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture in the areas of study of: ... Honors Program students will: Create a unique curriculum to explore their interests. Challenge their ... nationally recognized in their field.   Through the completion of the undergraduate research students will: ...

  4. ACEL banquet overview

    At our annual banquet and student showcase, we recognized award winners, graduating students, and ... other members of our department for their tremendous contributions to it’s success.  OUTSTANDING STUDENT ... Wright, agriscience education ACEL Outstanding Graduate Students Erica Summerfield, Outstanding Graduate ...

  5. Dr. Amanda Bowling

    Student Motivation Effective Teaching Strategies Pre-Service Teacher Reflection Current Bowling Vitae.pdf- ...

  6. ACEL Student attends BOLD Leadership Conference

    In April, Sadie Holman, an agricultural communication student, attended the BOLD Leadership ...

  7. GENSTDS 1201T College Orientation

    Library Tour and Orientation Part 1  ATI on your Computer BuckeyeLink- Your Student Center  ... personal information Manage your student records Enroll in classes How to Schedule Planner:  ... Services>Follow Me Printing>Students> Login and upload document  pay with BuckID (you do not need your ...

  8. New Student Orientation

    orientation date later in the summer. Disability Services and Test Accommodations are available. ... (e.g., broken limb). This includes students who may need: • extended time • a scribe • a reader • other ... support services  Click Here to Request Accommodations register and prepare Students must be admitted and ...

  9. Summer Food Truck Series

    Wooster Staff Council presents the summer food truck series, first up is Mr. Bill’s Wood-fired ...

  10. ACEL recognizes 11 seniors with award

    2024.  These students were recognized for their hard work and dedication to the department, their ...
