
Search results

  1. Hoog, Schuerman earn first place at Denman

    "Earth & Beyond" category. The Denman Forum provides an opportunity for graduating student ...

  2. ACT's Night for Young Professionals

    speaker, hear a panel discussions, talk with hiring personnel on interviewing and learn how to effectively ...

  3. How to become a Master Gardener Volunteer

    meetings will be held in summer 2025. The purpose of the community meetings is to review the goals, ...

  4. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of ... student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department ... than half-time Budgeting Repayment plans for your federal student loans Steps you can take if ...

  5. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...

  6. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...

  7. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...

  8. ACEL has 62 students named to CFAES Dean's List

    students recognized by the University for their academic accomplishments for the 2023 Autumn Semester as ... a member of the Dean’s List. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must have a 3.5 GPA or higher. ... Students who were named to the Dean’s List include: agricultural communication Haylee Acquah Josie ...

  9. How to Apply

    Graduate School must approve the admission of any students with less than a 3.0 GPA. Doctoral program ... their graduate program. Prospective students with any questions about the application process or ... that many faculty are not as available during the summer as they are during the autumn and spring ...

  10. Seven ACEL students participate in global education programs

    time studying abroad during Ohio State’s spring and summer breaks. While students participated in ... student international travel was halted by the pandemic, these seven students have set an example to their ... Students of the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership (ACEL) spent ...
