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  1. Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention Inaugural Event- Translating Science Into Policy and Practice: What are the food safety priorities?

    register here: Additionally, Ohio State students, faculty, and staff engaged in food ...

  2. DEI Workshops and Webinars

    Implicit bias (introduction to) Implicit bias in the hiring process Microaggressions Identity, power, and ... privilege Difficult conversations Inclusive and equitable hiring practices Accessible teaching practices ...

  3. Hydroponics Open House

    students grow vegetables and fruits hydroponically in a greenhouse (Howlett Hall greenhouse). The event is ...

  4. Extensive Spread of Corn Toxin Could Affect 2019 Crop

    COLUMBUS, Ohio—A wetter than normal summer and fall in Ohio led to the worst spread of a toxin on ... and animals to get sick. The rainy summer and fall in the state and across the Midwest not only left ...

  5. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Dr. Monica Giusti

    learned so much from each student as an individual but also from their different ways to look at life, ... their own individual way. By encouraging them to be their best I create a better environment in my lab ... diverse students and to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels important, seen, heard, and ...

  6. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Dr. Melvin Pascall

    inclusion, important to your work? The ability to interact amicably with students, faculty, and staff is ... essential to the success of my job at OSU. My interactions with students are in the areas of teaching and ... students since such an attitude promotes a feeling of empathy and acceptance. Students who experience this ...

  7. Wikipedia Editing for Knowledge Equity

    Learning From the Lived Experiences of Graduate Student Writers  (Utah State University Press, May 2020, ... Winner of the 2021 International Writing Center Association Outstanding Book Award). Her research also ...

  8. 2018 State of the Science Conference: Understanding HABs

    Poster Session The registration cost for an attendee is $40 and for a student is $10.  ...

  9. A Message from Dr. Cathann Kress to the CFAES Community

    students and I have attached it to this message. Many of us are outraged and filled with sorrow by the ... continue working towards: In the midst of the pandemic, I pushed for the exemption to allow us to hire an ... meeting the needs of all our faculty, staff and students during this pandemic and intensified issues ...

  10. Moving Pigs into Group Housing: Conference to Troubleshoot Hurdles

    sharing space, at least not at first. Consider the college student who goes from having their own bedroom ... information, visit: For more information, contact ...
