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  1. From Fair Board to Camp Counselor, 4-H Offers Hands-On Experiences

    third graders and I enjoy hearing these teens reflect on the student’s reaction to what they learned.  ... This team is designed to reach those students but also help our JFB members’ public speaking skills. ...

  2. Temporary Unplug From Digital Platforms May Be Eye-Opening Experience

    Where’s your happy place? As we approach mid-summer, I’ve had the opportunity to ask that question ... Health and Wellness news, Jodie Leister LPCC-S, CEAP; Ohio State Employee Assistance Program talks about ... Being mindfully present will create memories for the summer as we share in activities with our family ...

  3. Check This Out If You Are One Who Routinely Multitasks

    The summer is flying by but I’m finding many special blessings to enjoy with my family, and I hope ... from college students for 28 days: * Multitasking gave students an emotional boost, even when it hurt ... So, the question is: If it really doesn’t help us, then why do we do it?  Thirty-two college students ...

  4. Program Allows Students To Make Life Choices In The Real World

    Family and Consumer Sciences staff, allows middle and high school students to make life choices and get ... a taste of the real world.           Before school let out for the summer, we partnered with Dalton and ... Triway Middle Schools, giving their students the opportunity to experience first-hand how expenses for ...

  5. Vacations Rejuvenate and Refresh, Are Important For Performance

    Recently on the news I happened to overhear that according to a survey that more than 77% of the ... accomplish throughout the rest of the summer.  Then as time and budget allows begin to make plans during your ... too can be a great life lesson for family members.  Happy summer everyone! Melinda Hill is an OSU ...


    designed and operated by collaborative partners and student volunteers from Franklin County. The goal of ...

  7. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...

  8. Extension Connections Newsletter

    information about programs, upcoming events, and more! Click here to sign up to receive the latest news and ...

  9. Tips To Keep Livestock Cool

    Keeping animals cool and comfortable during the hot summer months is very important. Animals are ... livestock health keeping cool summer farming ANR Agriculture and Natural Resources ...

  10. Food and Picnic Safety

    Nothing ruins summer fun faster than a foodborne illness. No worries, we have a ton of resources ...
