
Search results

  1. Using Virtual Reality to Promote Farm Safety

    outreach education to farmers on grain handling safety. This summer, the C.A.R.T. was on tour across the ...

  2. Achieving Net-Zero: Examining near and long-term greenhouse gas commitments

    reduction, capture, sequestration, use, and storage. For Students: Create a window to the evolving frontier ... them. Students will learn how they can invest themselves into the future of climate progress. Agenda ... Laboratory where he and his students research issues in which energy and environmental systems and policy ...

  3. Farm Income Expected to Rise

    increase due to higher costs for hired labor, interest and fuel, with some declines in expenses for feed ...

  4. Helping farmers know their bottom line

    in, what they’re most passionate about. “We don’t always have good news for the farmer,” said Dianne ...

  5. Countering Climate Change Creatively by Lynn Neuman

    International Fellowship for the Visual and Performing Arts. Recently, her work has been featured in the New ...

  6. Breeding for Faster-Growing Bluegills and Yellow Perch

    selective fish breeding that will be available this summer. (Additional photos for this release can be ...

  7. Dig into soil health at Feb. 14 workshop

    Discount rates for children and students are also being offered. Details are available at  ...

  8. Ohio Agribusiness Community to Benefit from New CFAES Center for Cooperatives

    Ohio’s agribusiness community, agricultural cooperatives and students in The Ohio State ...

  9. Ohio's Bats Do Scary-Good Work, Face a Real Horror Story

    Multiply that by a summer of nights and the millions of bats that live in Ohio, and that’s — a batload of ...

  10. Conference to Discuss Enriching Soils While Keeping Water Safe

    Ohio did last summer. Applying manure can be particularly tricky because it’s often in liquid form and ...
