
Search results

  1. About the Curriculum

    research-based preschool and kindergarten classroom curriculum designed to increase students' school success ... by building social and emotional competence and self regulation skills. Promoting students ... student social and emotional capabilities, help ensure successful short and long-term academic and ...

  2. Kindness Corner

    of two to four students. When the student has developed mastery of the particular social and ... small groups of two to four students. This area will allow for documentation of children’s conversations ... Corner should be seen as a positive experience that allows students to practice and master social and ...

  3. VOLUME 25: ISSUE 3


  4. Assessing Wheat Crop Grain Versus Forage Economics

    Buckeye Dairy news, this silage would have a nutrient value of $305/ton at Feekes 10.0 or $282/ton at ...

  5. Partnership promotes DEI for SNAP-Ed staff

    Partnership promotes DEI for SNAP-Ed staff Over the summer, OSU Extension and the Office of ...

  6. 2020 Campus Sustainability Report Now Available

    The  2020 Campus Sustainability Survey report  is now available. Overall, we find that student ... 1. Emphasize refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle.  Students remain very supportive of recycling, which ... produced at Ohio State. It takes all four! 2. Recycling Barriers: While students prioritize recycling on ...

  7. Preparing Your Dairy Herd for the Fall Football Season

    summer heat, cow fertility, hoof quality, bird infestations, and new corn silage are among factors to ... undigested NDF (eUNDF), buffer, etc.]  Diet additives need to be altered from summer to properly prepare for ... enzyme, etc.).    Lingering effect of summer heat Summer heat and humidity in the Midwest will have ...

  8. Alternative Forages – What are they really?

    I, too, have been swept up in the promise of extending grazing seasons and beating the summer slump ... Conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana in April with the likes of professors, graduate students and Extension ... and then small grain harvest/straw production to happen early enough in the summer to allow for a crop ...

  9. ESS Lab Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Recent publications in peer-reviewed journals, by members of the ESS lab. Publications by members ... of the ESS Lab 2023 Monoson, A., Schott, E., Ard, K., Kilburg-Basnyat, B., Tighe, R.M., Pannu, S., ... Stough-Hunter, A., & Lekies, K. S. (in press). Effectively engaging first-generation rural students in higher ...

  10. VOLUME 25: ISSUE 2

