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  1. 4-H starts up a new career

    developed by former Ohio State President Michael V. Drake to recognize exceptional students committed to ... there were no tools to walk students through the process of writing a research paper, Graber decided to ... school and college students.  This free resource not only helps students keep all their sources and notes ...

  2. Belury receives inaugural 2024 Nutrition Society of Taiwan Award

    build meaningful relationships for scientists, students and practitioners to build a healthier planet ... undergraduate students have visited Ohio State from TMU for periods of several weeks to several months. TMU has ... requested to also host Ohio State students. “Dr. Martha Belury has been collaborating with Taiwanese ...

  3. Spring planting delays may cause some farmers to make adjustments to improve yields

    Lindsey 614-292-9080 Extension Faculty and Staff OARDC News Tips and Events Research ...


    all  students (undergraduate and graduate students).   Goals of the organization Develop leaders in ... under-represented students studying in agricultural and environmental sciences Aid in placement into related ...

  5. Same ol’ Farm Drainage Research? No, Think Future.

    winters and springs and hotter and drier summers. One estimate suggests that by the end of the century, ... Ohio’s summers will resemble those of current-day Arkansas and winters will resemble those of current-day ... leading to unintended consequences when wet springs turn into dry summers? A research team at The Ohio ...

  6. Corn & Soybean Planting Updates: Delays and Potential Yield Impacts and Recommendations Nielsen, R.L. 2022. The Planting Date Conundrum for Corn. Corny News Network, Purdue Univ. ... Available at: Rattalino Edreira, ...

  7. Ohio 4-H launches CareerNext to empower youth for tomorrow’s workforce

    614-247-9385 Extension 4-H CFAES News Team 614-292-2270 ...

  8. Big Swings Ahead for Planting, Growing and Harvest Season

    and 1958. However, as we go into summer and autumn, there is a growing chance of a   La Niña ... 95+ degree days this summer but there is more of a chance of 75+ overnight temperatures. You can see ... the official summer temperature outlook by NOAA attached. Rainfall will see significant swings ...

  9. Summer-like Weather Sets In

    Summary High temperatures reached 90°F in Toledo and Findlay on Monday for the first time in 2024. Temperatures in the upper 80s to low 90s are well above the average highs in the low to mid 70s for middle May standards. Overall, temperatures through May ...

  10. Agriculture Innovation Center to support value-added agriculture in northeast Ohio

    Inwood, CFAES program director and rural sociologist. The NEO-AIC will hire four new staff members, ...
