
Search results

  1. CFAES and AEDE Distinguished Seniors selected

    He was hired as a Credit Intern for Heartland Bank for the summer of 2021. He was then hired by the ... roles in FarmHouse International Fraternity, the CFAES Ambassador Team and CFAES Student Council. He ... with his mother in Shelby, Ohio, Seth spent the summer of 2020 working as a Seed Sales Intern for ...

  2. Gopalakrishnan receives Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching

    State. Students broke into applause as Gopalakrishnan was surprised with the news of her award during ... students first philosophy – there was no better way for her to have gotten this news in front of her ... words colleagues and students use to describe Sathya Gopalakrishnan, an associate professor in the ...

  3. Involvement & Campus Life

    State offers students many exciting opportunities to get involved outside of the classroom and live ... location in the capital city of Ohio offers students an opportunity to explore city life. ... Residential Learning Communities Learning communities provide groups of students with a common major, career or ...

  4. Schedule an Advising Appointment

    Her, Hers) Kassie Kurzhals is the advisor for all undergraduate AAE students and assigned EEDS students ...

  5. Graduate

    Students in the program acquire rigorous training in economic theory and advanced quantitative methods, and ... government agencies, multilateral international institutions, nongovernmental organizations and private ... companies and corporations. Our students have the opportunity to work with faculty who produce cutting-edge ...

  6. Former AEDE Doctoral Student and Current Associate Professor, Dr. Khushbu Mishra was Awarded the Stetson University's Hand Award

    - By Miles Baker Former AEDE doctoral student and current Associate Professor of Economics at ... responsible for teaching undergraduate students. Dr. Mishra draws her teaching from ongoing research in the ... encourage our students to reach further. ...

  7. Webinars

    Management Webinar Series- Session 2 International Dairy Outlook- William Loux Access slides here. Slides for ... International Dairy Outlook:  Here November 9-13, 2020 2020 Virtual Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference. ...

  8. "The Economics of US Forests as a Natural Climate Solution" Webinar

    and Conservation Policy and head of the  UMaine Forest Policy and Economics Lab. He received a PhD in ...

  9. Richard (Dick) L. Meyer

    joined Ohio State in 1970 and served as Director of International Programs and led AEDE's Rural Finance ... research and write about these subjects. He also teaches these subjects in international short courses and ... in consultancies with major international donor agencies.- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter ...

  10. Jerry R. Ladman

    Jerry R. Ladman Professor Emeritus Office of International Programs in Agriculture ... Provost for International Affairs prior to his retirement in 2007.- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter ...
