
Search results

  1. The OSU Viticultre Program is hiring

    Internal Link$392530/9925$248486.htmld     Direct External Link: ...

  2. Marketing and Promotion of Nutrition Incentives

    with the local media outlets. Local news organizations often share positive community stories. Farmers ... market staff can be featured on morning news shows or as guest speakers on radio shows. They can share ...

  3. Fall Color Change in Ohio

    bright red late in the summer, while the leaves of many oak species won’t turn color until after many ... Daylight Shorter days in late summer and early fall trigger changes in leaves, thus initiating the color ...

  4. The Case for an Outside Board of Directors for Closely Held Farm and Agricultural Businesses

    addition of outside managers, a board of directors as a governing body, and the board’s duty to hire and ...

  5. Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses

    ENT-0092 Agriculture and Natural Resources 05/23/2023 Emily Runnion; PhD Student; Sivakoff Lab ... 2001). The ideal number of bumble bee colonies varies depending on internal greenhouse environmental ...

  6. College Savings Options

    graduation with 62% of students having some form of college loan (The Institute for College Access & ... a student loan may be on a college graduate entering the workforce. Starting to save for college is a great ... retirement should be a priority. Only with additional funds, should a college savings be pursued. Students ...

  7. 2024 Summer Field Day: Horticulture Technology

    Join OSU Staff and Vendor Partners to exhibit new horticultural technologies including a drone sprayer, robotic mowers, and numerous large vineyard implements.   ...

  8. Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio

    numbers for a particular area and crop, send a sample to a lab for testing and use that value for crop ... goal and previous crop; since forages are a summer crop, mineralization of nitrogen will occur, ... contributing to nitrogen sources. Table 8. Nitrogen recommendations for summer-annual grasses   Yield goal ...

  9. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    pathogens beneath the seed coat. Cucumber seeds may internally harbor the bacterial pathogen that causes ...

  10. Secondary Injury Caused by Lifting

    Danielle Poland, Student Intern, Agricultural Safety and Health, Food, Agricultural and Biological ...
