
Search results

  1. Cows, comradery, and confidence


  2. Resilience and triumph


  3. Giving New Life to Tired Pastures

    reduce the severity of the summer slump. This application should occur after grazing. A third option is ... changed or reduced by varying the timing of mowing throughout the late spring and summer growing period ...

  4. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Amur Corktree (Phellodendron amurense)

    gray (Figure 5). The flowers are produced in late spring to early summer and are upright with 2–3-inch, ... root system remain in the soil. Cutting of seedlings or saplings is best conducted in early summer ...

  5. Minor Repairs Can Prevent Big Accidents- Don't Ignore General Fixes

    future accidents. I have covered stored grain management in several of my articles since late summer.  If ...

  6. Growing the perfect Christmas tree: Ohio State researchers to launch new demonstration farm at CFAES Wooster

    will also be available for students to engage in hands-on learning about soil testing, pest management, ...

  7. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

    Flowers — Delicate, spikelike flowers up to 3 inches long develop in late summer or early fall in the ... these products have no residual effect, control is most effective when applied in late summer just prior ... the growing season through mid-summer. These treatments have been shown to effectively control ...

  8. Livestock and Cold Temperatures- Pay Attention to the 'Real Feel'

    any species of livestock will struggle in the heat of summer, but the cold of winter can be even more ... However, if animals have a summer coat or are wet, the critical low temperature can be as high as 59 ...

  9. Mary Gardiner named Distinguished Professor

    internationally recognized, with more than 4,000 citations and an H-index of 30 — highlighting that dozens of her ... internationally recognized program that addresses critical ecological and social issues in legacy cities,” said ... Gardiner’s mentorship. She has guided 16 graduate students and mentored dozens of undergraduates, many from ...

  10. Building leaders in livestock

