
Search results

  1. Nancy Bowen-Ellzey

    Orleans; Certified Economic Developer (CEcD), International Economic Development Council Professional ...

  2. Dreams a reality with 4-H

    As a student, he continued his 4-H involvement by joining Collegiate 4-H. After graduation, he used ... state, national, or even international level.”  Kevin O’Reilly with his son’s steer. O’Reilly watching ...

  3. Jerry Thomas

    Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership; intern planner, Maumee Valley Planning Organization ...

  4. Aaron Wilson

    services, enhancing curriculum and programs focused on Climate Smart Agriculture, and Attracting students ...

  5. 4-H inspires lifelong learning

    South- Western City School District for seven years. During four of those years, she spent summers in ...

  6. Ohio State continues to assist farmers as drought and rain create unprecedented challenges for soybean crops

    The hot temperatures and lack of precipitation over the summer has led to 68% of Ohio being classified ... its Drought Rapid Response Team earlier this summer to monitor crop health, water resources, and ... 740-474-7534 Faculty and Staff OARDC News Tips and Events Research Media Advisory Business and Economics Tracy ...

  7. Fertilizer and Manure Regulations in the Lake Erie Western Basin Watershed

    crops. This definition varies by season. In the summer, a growing crop is any green plant that will be ...

  8. From the small screen to a national stage

    entrepreneurship. As a student, she held leadership positions with several student-run broadcasts at the university, ...

  9. Pesticide Use in Schools

    least four hours before the school opens to staff and/or students (unless a longer restricted entry ... guardians of minor children, adult students, faculty, and staff. The school can determine the method of ...

  10. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE)- Conference

    International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) conference. The conference will be hosted in ...
