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  1. OUAB Grad/Prof Etiquette Dinner

    13th from 6-8pm   in the Faculty Club. We will provide a 3-course meal with guided instruction for students ...

  2. Phones Quieter, Visitors Fewer, But 4-H Program Never Sleeps

    phones have been quieter, and the door doesn’t open as much as in the summer months, but this time of ...

  3. Talk Turkey at 'Dining With Diabetes' Holiday Help Gatherings

    Healthy practices for diabetes control             The good news is that with some healthy practices, you ...

  4. Get A Grip On Weeds, Like Poison Hemlock, Now Instead Of Later

    This period of late summer into early fall is a critical time to be out scouting for weeds in ... from going to seed. Chemical control, even just spot treatments, can be very effective in late summer ...

  5. All-CFAES Grad Student Tailgate

    Back by popular demand, GSAC is pleased to host an all-CFAES graduate student tailgate on October ... 26. Held in the ACEL GSA tailgating spot in front of Ag Admin, students from both campuses are ... encouraged to attend this fun social event. The game begins at 12:00pm. Student organizations and individuals ...

  6. Pumpkins and Pillbugs

    United Titanium Bug Zoo & Entomology Graduate Student Association. In partnership with the Ohio State ... ZamoBuckeyes, CFAES Graduate Student Advisory Council & the CFAES Wooster Campus Staff Council. ...

  7. ASGSA Career Development Series

    students to various career paths within the industry. The invited speakers will share insights into their ...

  8. Owl Crew- Columbus

    CFAES Graduate Student Advisory Council! Previously called write in sessions, our Owl Crew meets ...

  9. Owl Crew- Columbus

    CFAES Graduate Student Advisory Council! Previously called write in sessions, our Owl Crew meets ...

  10. Owl Crew- Columbus

    CFAES Graduate Student Advisory Council! Previously called write in sessions, our Owl Crew meets ...
