
Search results

  1. Wooster Campus

    seek international students, scholars, staff or faculty to do a 30 minute presentation on their home ... Ph.D. International Coordinator at the Wooster Campus FAES International Programs Wooster Science ... with locally-prepared international food on both campuses at the same time, with live speakers in both ...

  2. Peace Corps

    | Columbus, OH 43210. I'm happy to meet with students at a central campus location (Ohio Union/Thompson ... graduation, or generally exploring international development work, this is an exciting time to learn how Peace ...

  3. Fareware party for Arisa Laisupannawong who spent 6 months in our lab


  4. Farewell party for Dr. Chatchawan Jantasuriyarat who spent 4 months in our lab as a Fulbright Scholar


  5. Farewell lunch party for Ya Li and Jiangbo Fan to thank them for many contributions to our lab


  6. Lab members at the OSU Plant Path 50th Anniversary Celebration Party


  7. International Agreements

      CFAES International Programs works closely with the Office of International Affairs (OIA) at ... Environmental Sciences and other international institutions. The two primary types of agreements are Memoranda ... of Understanding (MoU) and Memoranda of Agreement (MoA).   Active International Agreements Country ...

  8. Cultivate ’23 International Experience

    strong international representation, with 50 countries represented, including a group of international ... internship participants from The Ohio Program ( Twelve of these interns volunteered to ... Convention Center. The interns were received well by industry. They also attended many of the more than 160 ...

  9. Cultivate ’23 International Experience

    strong international representation, with 50 countries represented, including a group of international ... internship participants from The Ohio Program ( Twelve of these interns volunteered to ... Convention Center. The interns were received well by industry. They also attended many of the more than 160 ...

  10. Navigating Conflict with Skillful Communication: A Dialogue with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Dr. Aaron Yarmel from CEHV. Watch this event recorded at The Ohio Union on YouTube

    of Living and non-profit International Association for Human Values are part of the largest ...
