News from the Ag Insects Team

  1. Student Spotlight

    Jan 21, 2021

    We want to formally introduce the newest Graduate Student member of the Tilmon Lab, Kyle Akred. Kyle started his Masters in Entomology with the Tilmon Lab in the Fall of 2020. Kyle will be working with the Asiatic Garden Beetle (AGB), Maladera castanea, and developing management strategies in field crop systems. To contact Kyle, click here. 

  2. Soybean Defoliation Video

    Jan 19, 2021

    In the most recent Tilmon Lab video, Dr. Kelley Tilmon goes over how to rate soybean defoliation in the field and what to look for before making management decisions. Soybean defoliation is caused by a number of insects including a variety of caterpillars species, Japanese beetles, bean leaf beetles and grasshoppers. Defoliation ratings vary based on the crop stage the soybean is in. For more information, check out our video below.



  3. Soybean Gall Midge Scouting Card

    Jan 17, 2021

    Soybean gall midge scouting card

    The soybean gall midge is a new pest of soybean in the midwestern region first reported in Nebraska. Since its discovery, it has been confirmed in four additional states (South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri) and its distribution is expanding. It has not yet been reported in Ohio, but it is important to be able to recognize soybean injury associated with the soybean gall midge and understand how to scout for this new pest.

  4. **Positions Filled** Tilmon Lab is Hiring for Summer 2020!

    Mar 2, 2020

    Thank you for your interest in the Tilmon Lab! Our summer internship positions have been filled. Please check back for opportuities in the future!

    It is hard to believe it is already March! With summer just around the corner, the Tilmon Lab is looking to hire 1-2 summer interns to assist with our research. This is a paid summer internship in our field crop entomology lab. We have a very applied approach which allows students to get both field and lab experience. 

  5. Entomopathogenic nematodes for Asiatic garden beetle control handout now available

    Feb 19, 2020

    Graduate Student, Adrian Pekarcik, along with collaborators Eric Richer and Kelley Tilmon have developed a handy resource for Growers interested in using entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) as a control option against the Asiatic garden beetle in field crops. Entomopathogenic stands for "insect killing" and these nematodes are not like the plant parasitic nematodes.

  6. Updated 2020 Bt Trait Table now Available

    Feb 5, 2020

    There are numerous Bt traits available in corn seed that can vary year to year, leaving growers overwhelmed when choosing a seed to purchase for their farm. Thanks to Michigan State University colleague, Dr. Chris DiFonzo, a "Handy Bt Trait Table" is available to assist with this complicated decision. Thanks to Dr. DiFonzo's efforts, the Bt Trait table is now in it's 18th year of publication. If you have any questions or comments should be directed to her( or 517-353-5328).

  7. Adrian Awarded 1st place at ESA in P-IE, Molecular & Cell Biology / Novel Tools Section

    Dec 3, 2019

    Congratulations to Tilmon Lab Ph.D. Candidate, Adrian Pekarcik, for his first place talk at the national Entomological Society of America (ESA) talk last month!

    Adrian competed in the 10 minute oral presentation, P-IE Molecular & Cell Biology / Novel Tools Section. His talk was titled "Population genetics of the Asiatic garden beetle: are Great Lakes populations infesting agronomic crops unique?"


  8. Slug Monitoring Infographic Presented at ESA

    Nov 20, 2019

    The Tilmon Lab has been busy interpreting their research from the past year to prepare for presentations at annual meetings. Recently, our research on monitoring mechanisms for slugs in no-till cover crop systems was presented at the 2019 Annual Entomological Society of America as an infographic. Congratulations to all authors, Amy Raudenbush, Adrian Pekarcik and Kelley Tilmon!


  9. Tilmon Lab presents at 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting

    Nov 20, 2019

    Congratulations to Tilmon Lab PhD Candidate, Adrian Pekarcik for presenting his research at the 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting! Pekarcik and his team of researchers presented a poster titled "Influence of Soil Composition on Spatial Distribution of the Asiatic garden beetle, Malader castanea arrow (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), in Ohio Agroecosystems. 

    For an abstract of the poster, click here. 

  10. Seed Corn Maggot Video

    Oct 9, 2019

    Interested in learning more about an early season corn and soybean pest? Check out our newest video featuring Dr. Kelley Tilmon!
