Aug 5, 2022
A new video featuring Dr. Adrian Pekarcik was recently added to the Ohio State IPM You Tube page. In this video, Dr. Pekarcik addresses how to identify the Asiatic garden beetle (AGB) grubs, how to identifiy problematic areas in a field, scouting tips and management options.
Apr 18, 2022
Congratulations to Adrian Pekarcik for receiving the Graduate Associate Leadership Award (GALA)! The GALA is Ohio State University's recognition of exceptional leadership provided by graduate students (on and off campus) while attending OSU. By definition leadership is, "leading others through passion and vision, produced by conviction. Having strong communication and listening skills. Assuring that team members have the skills and abilities to do their jobs and rise to their full potential. Giving feedback, coaching and training.
Mar 25, 2022
We are excited to announce that Amy Raudenbush has received the Distinguished Early Career Extension Professional Award. Amy began her role as a Research Associate working with Kelley Tilmon in the Agronomic Crops lab in the Department of Entomology in 2016. Since starting her role, Amy has authored, designed, and produced numerous extension deliverables distributed throughout Ohio and other universities in the North Central region.
Mar 23, 2022
**UPDATE: the 2022 Student Assistant Positions in the Tilmon Lab have been filled. Please check back later for new position postings and more updates**
The Tilmon Lab is looking to hire two Student Assistants to help with summer field work. No previous entomology experience? No problem! We will train you with everything you need to know.
The qualified Student Assistant will collaborate on various research projects in the Agronomic Crop Entomology Lab, located in Wooster, Ohio. Candidate will:
Mar 1, 2022
The annual Asiatic Garden Beetle Summit was hosted virtually on Monday February 28th via Zoom. The meeting was organized by Tilmon Lab Ph.D. Candidate, Adrian Pekarcik. Adrian presented on a number of topics including AGB history, sampling methods, biology. In addition, Dr. Elizabeth Long (Purdue), presented updates on AGB in mint and Amy Raudenbush (OSU) presented results from semi-field bioassays. Lastly Joe Bruce from AMVAC Corporation joined in to explain the latest spray technology offered for growers.
Jan 10, 2022
The Identification, Monitoring, & Management of Asiatic Garden Beetle in Field Crops bulletin was updated for 2022 and is available to view or print on the Aginsects website. This bulletin is a collaboration between The Ohio State University and Michigan State University and is authored by Adrian Pekarcik, Kelley Tilmon and Eric Richer (OSU) and Chris DiFonzo and Bruce Mackellar (MSU).
Nov 9, 2021
Kyle Akred, Tilmon Lab MS student, presented his research at the annual Entomological Society of America conference in Denver, CO. Kyle has been evaulating how increasing Asiatic garden beetle (AGB) density impacts corn plant health, particularly plant height under both greenhouse and outdoor microplot conditions. Grub densities evaluated were 0, 1, 2 and 3. Overall, results indicated that corn plant height was negatively impacted as AGB density increased. Furthermore, 30% of corn plants with 3 grubs did not germinate compared to 4.3% in the treatment with 0 grubs.
Aug 17, 2021
A Michigan State University / Ohio State University Insect Integrated Pest Management Guide written by Dr.'s Chris DiFonzo and Kelley Tilmon is now available for download or print. This guide contains information on the biology and management of field crop insect pests in Michigan and Ohio. Content is available for many agronomic crops including: field corn, soybean, wheat, alfalfa, grass forage, dry beans and sugar beets.
Mar 3, 2021
Tilmon Lab graduate student Adrian Pekarcik received a USDA AFRI EWD Predoctoral Fellowship to investigate the Asiatic garden beetle (AGB), Maladera castanea, an annual white grub species that was introduced to the U.S. in 1921 and has spread to at least 25 states and 2 Canadian provinces. Historically it was a pest of turfgrasses and ornamentals, however, in the last 10 years AGB has emerged as a new pest of field corn in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. We hypothesize that these beetles comprise a genetically distinct population and propose to use molecular genetic tools to compare genetic structure among North America AGB populations. This serves the longer-term goal to understand why AGB has emerged as a new pest. Our objectives are to (1) develop molecular markers for AGB, and (2) assess North American populations for habitat-specific variation and/or geographic variation.
Feb 12, 2021
Congratulations Amy, Adrian and Kelley, in collaboration with Dr. Ryan Haden (OSU ATI), for recently publishing a manuscript titled "Evaluation of Slug Refuge Traps in a Soybean Reduced-Tillage Cover Crop System" in the journal Insects. This manuscript focused on comparing slug monitoring methods in soybean. Slugs are frequent pests of field crops, including soybean and corn, especially in no-till fields. Because of slugs nocturnal behavior, monitoring is difficult - making trapping the preferred monitoring method.