Jan 16, 2024
The Tilmon Lab is looking to hire 2 - 3 motivated Student Assistants to help us with our summer research projects. In this position you will work hands on with agronomic crops and pests in Ohio. Students can work up to 38 hours a week, Monday - Friday.
Jan 11, 2024
Our 2023 summer student assistants, Rebecca DiScipio, Kylie Harbert and Stephanie Pflaum were given the opportunity to collaborate with Dr. Ryan Haden (OSU ATI) on a research trial in organic small grains. The objective of this research was to determine if there was a difference in the number of larvae and plant damage in 11 different varieties of organic small grains.
Dec 6, 2023
A pocket field guide for the Asiatic garden beetle, written by Chris DiFonzo (MSU), Adrian Pekarcik (USDA-ARS), Kelley Tilmon (OSU) and Amy Raudenbush (OSU), is now available on our website. The Asiatic garden beetle (AGB) was first detected in the United States in 1921 in New Jersey, and has since spread to the Great Lakes region. In 2007, field crops growers in northern Indiana, southern Michigan and northern Ohio starting noticing stand loss - the culprit? AGB grubs.
In this guide, you will learn:
- how to identify AGB adults and grubs
Nov 13, 2023
Soybean defoliation is often noticed in soybean fields, and a lot of times, growers will notice multiple caterpillar species present along with the defoliation. Caterpillars feed on the soybean foliage as the plants grow. In Ohio, some of the most common caterpillars we find in soybean fields are the green cloverworm, soybean looper and silver spotted skipper. Also found are thistle caterpillars, woolly bear caterpillars and the saltmarsh caterpillar. Regardless of the species, they all feed on soybean foliage.
Oct 24, 2023
The "Slugs on Field Crops" factsheet was recently revised by student Rachel Cochran and Dr. Kelley Tilmon. This factsheet reviews plant symptoms, how to scout, and management options that are available.
Oct 10, 2023
A fall armyworm factsheet, titled "Fall Armyworm in Ohio Field Crops" written for Ohio Line by Dr's Kelley Tilmon and Andy Michel is now available online! This factsheet discusses the lifecycle, management and treatment options available for fall armyworm in Ohio. Fall armyworm is not a yearly pest in Ohio, becasue it does not overwinter in our region. In fact, fall armyworm is considered It is a tropical species, that when high populations and the right weather events occur, migrates north. This event is known to reoccur every 3-5 years.
Sep 7, 2023
We have been noticing a number of moths in our fall armyworm (FAW) bucket traps that are not FAW, but rather a species of wainscot moth. These wainscot moths are accumulating in high numbers in the traps, and without proper identication, can be mistaken as FAW. While both moth species are in the same insect family, Noctuidae, FAW is an agronomic crop pest that requires monitoring, and the wainscot moth is not. Below are some images of both moth species.
Sep 1, 2023
A paper titled "Quick Sex-Determination of the Asiatic Garden Beetle, Maladera formosae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)" by Adrian Pekarcik, Scott Clem, Kyle Akred, and Kelley Tilmon was published November 2022 in The Great Lakes Entomologist. In this paper, authors identified a quick way to determine the sex of Asiatic garden beetle (AGB) adults. To successfully determine the sex of an AGB adult, one will need either a dissecting microscope - or even a hand lens in the field. Next, you need to look at the abdomen of the AGB and identify the pygidium, or last dorsal tergite.
Aug 24, 2023
Lep Monitoring Network Update
Aug 17, 2023
Stephanie Pflaum is one of three lab interns in the Tilmon Lab at OSU’s CFAES Wooster Campus. Stephanie is starting her junior year at Ashland University with majors in Biology and Environmental Science as well as minors in Entrepreneurship Management and Philosophy with plans to pursue a future career in research. In her free time, she works as a laboratory assistant in the Department of Biology and Toxicology at Ashland and is also a member of Tri Beta Biological Honor Society and sustainability club at AU.