OSU Agronomy Workshop Registration OPEN

Jan. 23, 2019

Registration is now open for the OSU Agronomy Workshop for Crop Consultants at this link. http://www.cvent.com/d/bvqlpt

Register by Feb. 1. Workshop is Feb. 8. 


·      When/Where: February 8, 9:00 AM to 3:15 PM at the Schisler Conference Center, OARDC Wooster

·      What: An in-depth program on field crop agronomy and pest management designed for crop professionals

·      Registration online by credit card only, $70 registration fee, class size limited to 30; registration deadline February 1

·      Registration includes refreshments, lunch, and a packet containing OSU field guides and other extension publications

·      CCA Credits

·      Questions? Contact Kelley Tilmon, Department of Entomology, Tilmon.1@osu.edu



9:00     Registration and refreshments

9:30     Dr. Joy Pierzynski, OSU C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic:  What can the diagnostic clinic do for you?

9:45     Dr. Peter Thomison, OSU Department of Horticulture and Crop Science:  New approaches for diagnosing ear development problems in corn

10:15   Break

10:30   Dr. Elizabeth Dayton, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources:  On-Field Ohio and nutrient risks

11:00   Dr. Laura Lindsey, OSU Department of Horticulture and Crop Science:  Soybean seeding rate and variable rate seeding

12:00   Lunch (provided)

12:45   IPM stakeholder feedback session (Jim Jasinsky)

1:30     Dr. Andy Michel, OSU Department of Entomology:  Are you Bt or not Bt--testing for Bt proteins and determining insect resistance

1:45     Dr. Kelley Tilmon, OSU Department of Entomology:  Scouting exercise for determining soybean defoliation

2:00     Dr. Anne Dorrance, OSU Department of Plant Pathology: Host resistance, fungicides or both? How and when should they be combined?

2:30     Dr. Pierce Paul, OSU Department of Plant Pathology: Corn and wheat disease update

3:00     Program evaluation

3:15     Wrap-up and adjourn


Kelley Tilmon