Adrian Awarded 1st place at ESA in P-IE, Molecular & Cell Biology / Novel Tools Section

Dec. 3, 2019

Congratulations to Tilmon Lab Ph.D. Candidate, Adrian Pekarcik, for his first place talk at the national Entomological Society of America (ESA) talk last month!

Adrian competed in the 10 minute oral presentation, P-IE Molecular & Cell Biology / Novel Tools Section. His talk was titled "Population genetics of the Asiatic garden beetle: are Great Lakes populations infesting agronomic crops unique?"


The national ESA meeting was held in St. Louis, MO from November 17 - 20.  To read the abstract for Adrian's talk, please click here. 

AGB Haplotypes

In addition, Ohio State University placed 3rd overall in the number of students receiving either first or second place in their competitions! Great job to all who presented at this years annual ESA meeting!